Modest wear for every shape

The Values of Dar Al Iman: Living Our Dreams by Helping Our Community

Is this story yours? The need to satisfy the Almighty, to fulfill our duties, and to change our lives drove us to leave France. We are an ordinary couple for whom leaving became vital, an undeniable need. After all, if others can do it, why can’t we? On paper, everything was simple. But you know as well as we do that we control very little in our short existence.

Once we left, how could we stay?

In 2018, we moved to Egypt. We needed to find a way to live in the land of Islam and support ourselves. After weighing the pros and cons, we decided to venture into selling modest ready-to-wear clothing and Islamic products.

We opened an online maktaba to offer our community members everything a Muslim man and woman need. Our goal is simple: to nourish faith by following the Quran and Sunnah, nourish the body with natural products, and dress modestly with the As Salafiyat brand of jilbabs. Have you ever woken up with a feeling of incompleteness?

We found our path. This adventure drove us to realize something that resembles us, with the little experience we had gained. This is how our own brand of modest ready-to-wear was born: Al Mouslimate. Now, our ideas are clear. Every member of our community should be able to shop with us without any obstacles. Our goal is to offer quality products at a fair price.

A New Beginning

A desire, a need, pushed us to make this major change and settle in Morocco. It was also an opportunity to open our own sewing workshop. Managing everything from A to Z, making our own choices with our seamstresses, a dream! The colors, the fabrics—we didn’t count our hours to offer good products to the little girls and women in our community.

With our store, Dar Al Iman, we are committed to offering Al Mouslimate products that are simple yet well-crafted. Now, we can control each collection, each finish. We closely follow feedback from our community on our products. These conditions are made possible thanks to our cherished team of seamstresses.

Dar Al Iman: Between You and Us

Today, you know a bit of our story. The Al Mouslimate brand is the fruit of our efforts and also helps many families to meet their needs. All this was only possible thanks to Allah, and then to you. The values of the Quran and Sunnah are dear to us. At Dar Al Iman, you will find quality products at affordable prices. In short, everything that reflects a Muslim in life and actions.

Dar Al Iman’s team

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